In addition to standard Watchman features (i.e. Temperature and Humidity), it provides the gas-level monitoring.
The gas sensor monitors many kinds of residential and industrial gases including: butane, propane, methane, carbon monoxide, alcohol, hydrogen, and smoke.
The sensor value (0-1024) reflects the approximated trend of gas concentration in a permissible error range. Higher the gas concentration, higher is the sensor value.
pp-Code portal allows configuring alerts on gas level values. Though the Watchman logs the stats every hour or 15-min, the unit reads the gas level every minute. In case of sudden increase in gas concentration (+50), it sends the log to pp-Code portal immediately (does not wait for the next log cycle). Owners will receive instant alert (if it exceeds the configured threshold).
Please note that it does not represent the exact gas concentration. The detection of certain components in the air usually requires a more precise and costly instrument, which cannot be done with a single gas sensor. If you intend at obtaining the gas concentration at a very precise level, then we don’t recommend this gas sensor.
You can choose MQ2 or MQ9 as you place the order (same price):
It works along with Temperature, Humidity and Party-Detection readings as well as corresponding email / SMS alerts.
You can also define alerts for higher Gas levels.
Watchman monitors the gas concentration in air. The value of the concentration is relative to the environment of Watchman kit. As gas concentration goes up, Watchman will show higher values for gas level.
In order to establish normal gas levels of your environment, please place the Watchman kit in fresh air (not exposed to sun and rain). Let it run for 24-48 hours. Make a note of gas levels that it reports. This will help you determine what is normal gas level reading at your location. Once known, you can then define higher thresholds for your alerts. For example, if your Watchman reads gas level around 300ish - when placed in fresh air - you may want to set the alert threshold at 350.
[Gas level readings are from 0-1024]
This variation of Watchman uses industry standard MQ135 sensor to provide air quality readings in ppm (Parts Per Million) on CO2 concentration. It also detects presence of Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide and smoke in the air.
Software on watchman converts output signals from MQ135 into CO2 ppm reading, commonly used for measuring air quality ( The average indoor ranges from 450-550ppm and anything above 1000ppm is not considered acceptable for a living space.
After the install, it takes 24 hours for sensor to stabilize for the air quality readings. Though sensor comes pre-calibrated, it's sensitivity may require some calibration (offered via the portal).
To calibrate sensor's sensitivity: run watchman in an open clean air (not exposing to sun and rain) for 24 hours. Observe the air quality readings, they should range from 400-500ppm. If not, use the calibrate button (on the portal) to increase/decrease sensor sensitivity accordingly (e.g. a +0.5 change in sensitivity may increase air quality reading by 10-20ppm).
Once calibrated, you may then place/install the watchman at the desired location.
pp-Code allows configuring alerts on CO2 ppm levels. Though the Watchman logs the stats every hour or 15-min, the unit reads the air quality level every minute. In case of sudden increase in CO2 ppm concentration (+50), it sends the log to pp-Code portal immediately (does not wait for the next log cycle). Owners will receive instant alert (if it exceeds the configured threshold).
It works along with Temperature and Humidity readings as well as corresponding email / SMS alerts.
You can also define alerts for higher ppm levels.